Waste Water Department
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Contact Information:
910 Maple Road
Harlan, IA 51537
Phone: (712)755-3434
Glenn Carlson, Superintendent
Wastewater Treatment Process
The Grade III plant produces on average .657 mgd of excellent quality effluent in compliance with all parameters of the facility's NPDES permit.
The two-stage Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) plant receives flows from nearly 30 miles of main sewer lines and two in town lift stations.
The flow first passes through a mechanical bar screen, then through the grit removal facilities and flows toward the treatment facility through
the 24-inch gravity sewer line along the west side of the West Nishnabotna River, through a double 16-inch siphon line under the river and
finally through a 24-inch sewer line to the treatment facilities.
At the treatment facilities, the flows pass through a comminutor basin where the large solids are cut into smaller solids. Next, the flow then enters
a pumping station where it is pumped to the primary clarifiers. Influent flow measurement is accomplished at this point by magnetic flow meters
located on the pressure line to the primary clarifiers. Flow from the primary clarifiers is biologically treated in a two-stage RBC system.
The RBC effluent flow to the final clarifiers where the biological solids are settled out. The final clarifier effluent is discharged through a 24-inch
effluent pipe to the West Nishnabotna River.
The City's main industrial contributor to the facility is Monogram Foods. The City has a pre-treatment agreement with Monogram Foods.
Their pre-treatment plant is staffed and operated by Monogram foods. Weekly sampling and inspections are performed by City of Harlan staff.
In 2016, the construction of the new Ultra-violet (UV) system was completed and brought online.